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                      Absinth Bottle.  2005.


I remember buying this bottle of Absinth while on vacation in Prague.  But not much else.  I like the shape of the glass, which is probably why it ended up in my junk drawer, where it has languished for the last two decades.  

I don't think it was a coincidence that I wound up at the Franz Kafka Apartment Gift Shop on the same day I consumed the potent green elixir. That's where I bought this Battle Helm Keychain (left) which seemed an apt purchase given the state I was in at the time.  

They say all the Great Impressionists liked to drink absinth.  I disagree.  Because if all the Impressionists were drinking this junk, the only impressions they would've left behind would have been a trail of face plants along the banks of the River Seine.  L'artistes de L'impression du Visage, as they would've become known.  In other words: if you're going to drink Absinth, beware of the discount variety.  


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