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                 Ramones Guitar Pick.  1987.


This is the last of many guitar picks I acquired while attending Ramones concerts.  This one's from a show at California State University, Northridge, held on September 26, 1987.  The pick was tossed in my direction by guitarist Johnny Ramone at the begining of the song Teenage Lobotomy. Two minutes later I would have a broken shoulder from stage-diving off of the PA system and onto a (very) hard gymnasium floor.  It’s times like this that you wish you'd been a Barry Manilow fan.

Handbill from the show

Chester.  1974.


Named after my first dog, this is Chester, a childhood thumb toy.   Chester's been with me since the age of nine and has survived many a junk drawer ever since.  After developing a fear of flying in the 1980’s, he served as a good luck charm for whenever

I took to the skies.  I still credit him for having kept my planes aloft and arriving at their destinations safely.         

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Titanic Coal.  1912.                                                                                                                                 

This lump of anthracite coal claims to have been from the engine room of the ill-fated RMS Titanic.  It was given to me as a gift in 1996 and came with a "certificate of authenticity," whose validity I've always found dubious.  If it's real, it's a pretty cool piece of history to have. But if you’re the superstitious type, it’s got to be one of the worst pieces of bad luck you could ever choose to have lying around the house. 

Locket.  1984.


This locket was given to me by my girlfriend in 1984.  When one half is met with the other it reads:  “Lord, watch between me and Thee when we are absent one from another.”  I sometimes wonder if she still has her half.  

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Web design by Rob Vaczy.  My Junk Drawer Museum.  Copyright 2020.  All rights reserved.

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